"Metaverse is a virtual world that is interconnected with the real world and parallel to it.

The metaverse has six features: identity ID, social interaction, intrusive games, economic system combining NFT and DEFI, virtual civilization, and multifaceted ecology.

To achieve all this, we must rely on the maturity and stability of blockchain technology, because the metaverse is almost trying to replicate a real world, and such an ambition cannot be underestimated.

JOJO - NFT decentralized trading platform JOJO NFT decentralized trading platform can achieve all this perfectly.

In terms of ID, a new user who registers as a user of the JOJO platform will have a block address as a unique ID credential for the user.

At the same time, the JOJO platform realizes an economic system combining NFT and DEFI through the JOJO-Staking, the JOJO-DАO community autonomy module on the chain, and the JOJO-lend lending ecosystem. Secondly, the JOJO platform itself is a decentralized NFT exchange.

In addition, JOJO can enter the virtual social meta-world through the online game interface, which is also the chain ecological part of JOJO platform.

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